Children and Families

Domestic Abuse
Below are some organisations who can help. In an emergency always call 999

Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service
Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service exists to provide an outreach and a child/young person's service to women and their children whose lives are affected by domestic abuse, to empower them to make decisions for themselves about their own futures.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, there is support available. Your partner may tell you that nobody will believe you or help you. That is not the case. You are not alone.
24 hour helpline;

Rights of Women
Provide accurate and accessible advice and information about the law and women's legal rights. Enables women to make safe and informed choices for themselves and their families.

Men’s Advice Line is a team who will listen and believe you. Their team are available to offer you non-judgmental support, practical advice and information.
Their focus is to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic abuse by providing confidential support.