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Community Food Projects

There are community run initiatives across Shropshire where low cost or free food is available

If you know of any projects in your area - let us know and we can share it here

Most of these projects are open to everyone, no need for a referral

Surplus food and community shops
Open tables and community fridges where surplus food is available on a Pay As You Feel basis - meaning you pay as much as you can or are willing to spend. You'll also find details of the new membership based community shop in Telford.
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Shrewsbury Food Hub's Foodshare tables 

Open to all, Pay As You Feel

Shrewsbury Food Hub run Foodshare tables where they invite everyone to come and help them stop surplus food being wasted! 

See their Facebook page for the latest Foodshare timetable

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Zero Waste Project- Food Share

Community supermarket based in Wellington. 



Volunteers collect & list food from local food outlets

Download the app to see what's available in your area


Highley Community Project

A zero waste project based in Highley.

They run a surplus food box scheme with a suggested donation of £3 per box. 

They run 2 events a week at the Parish Rooms between 10:30-12:00.

It is an appointment only event which is booked via the Facebook page.

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All Nations Community Grocery


The shop is open to anyone who may find themselves financially struggling. Whether receiving benefits, in employment or self employed, they are here to bridge the gap between food banks and supermarkets.

Members sign up for a £5 annual membership. This gives them access to the grocery twice a week to do a £3 shop. A typical £3 shop includes 5 different portions of fruit and vegetables, 7 different ambient shelf items, 1 bakery item, 1 freezer item, 1 fridge item and 1 non food item i.e. toiletries.

Members sign up in store and will be given a membership card which will be scanned at each shop.

Open Monday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm


01952 935511

Community Grocery Telford



OsNosh Community Kitchen 

Food Share Table, community café and much more @The Oak Street Centre.

Call 07538 709 299 or email with any questions/

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Ludlow Food Bank Open Table Events

Open to all, £1 donation for bag of surplus food.

Tea, coffee cake and advise from local organisations.

First Monday of each month,  1pm-2pm, Rockspring Community Centre, SY8 1SX


Taste Not Waste

Surplus food boxes for collection in Leegate - £10 per box

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 Shropshire's Swap & Share Free Food, Plants & Stuff for a Zero Waste Life 


This Facebook group links people so they can share, swap or trade food which they are not going to eat

Community meals and cooking
Low cost or Pay As You Feel meals where the community eats together
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Hands Together Ludlow 

Hands Together Ludlow run a variety of food projects across Ludlow to support people in the town.


You can contact them on their Community Helpline covered by a team of volunteers and staff. This is the best place to start with any general help and support, to book a place at their community lunch or afternoon tea, arrange a prescription collection and much more.


The Helpline is open Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm:

              01584 817 250

More details here

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Buildwas ViIllage Hall Meals on Wheels

Weekday meal delivery service to Buildwas Village and any other location within a 15 minute drive.

 Meals are free to residents who are eligible.


Eligibility criteria include (but are not limited to): Aged over 70; On a low income or benefits; Unable to do food shopping in person or online; Disabled (physically or mentally); Clinically or extremely clinically vulnerable

Food is prepared by Jude's Food, so please contact Jude on 07956 336239 or visit their Facebook page for more information.

Community growing
Garden projects where people can come and pick produce for free throughout the year
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Incredible Edible Wem

Pick free fruit and vegetables

Jubilee Square, Wem


Transition Telford

A local charity running various projects around food and gardening

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The Street Allotment


A not for profit community garden based in Shrewsbury. Now in its first year of growing, it hopes to provide free veggies to the community.

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Incredible Edible Ludlow 

Free fruit, veg and herbs

Locations around Ludlow

Regular plant, seed and produce swaps

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Leegomery Community Orchard

A volunteer led community orchard attached to the community centre

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Madeley Community Orchard

Gardening and DIY projects run by the council and volunteers

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Craven Arms Community Garden

Allotment plots from £5 per year

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