
Are you at risk of homelessness?
Contact the Housing Options Team at Shropshire Council. If you are likely to be made homeless or at risk of homelessness.
You can contact Shelter if you are homeless, have nowhere to stay tonight, or are worried about losing your home in the next two months

Shrewsbury Ark is an independent charity dedicated to helping homeless and vulnerable people. You can refer yourself into the service for help HERE.
Get Housing Advice

SUSTAIN support services are funded by Shropshire Council and are available for Connexus tenants in Shropshire only.
Please see HERE for further details.

Struggling with your mortgage?
If you’ve been struggling to keep up your mortgage payments, you may have started to build up a debt. This is often called mortgage arrears.
You might be in debt because you missed one or more monthly payments or you’re paying less money each month than your monthly payment.
You’ll need to work out a way to pay back what you owe. If the debt continues to build up, your lender will take you to court and you might end up losing your home.
You can contact Citizens Advice Shropshire Debt Team on 01743 280 019
You can speak to Step Change on 0800 138 1111 for debt advice.
You can speak to National Debtline on 0808 808 4000